Privacy, Data Collection and File Protection

If you use this site to send personal information, such as your email address, I will not :

• sell your details to anyone
• give your details to any third party without your agreement

The web server for this site uses cookies to log each session anonymously. I use the Google Analytics service to log and report on web traffic to and from this domain. Google Analytics uses their own cookies to track visitor usage. These cookies are used to store information, such as what time the current visit occurred, whether the visitor has been to the site before, and what site referred the visitor to the web page. Browsers can not and do not share first-party cookies across domains.

There are links on pages of this site either through hyperlinks in content or through interfaces to 3rd party services like Google+ and Twitter. These links are provided for your convenience only and are accessed at your own risk. I am not responsible in any way for the content of any third party website.
I use either Intego Virus Barrier or Norton AntiVirus to scan any incoming or outgoing files. I use Apple Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird as mail clients and junk mail filters. Emails from my email accounts along with any attached files are intended only for the person or person to whom they are addressed. If you receive an email in error from me please let me know and delete the message(s) from your computer.

This site uses cookies. Some of the cookies we use are essential for parts of the site to operate and have already been set. We also use a Google Analytics script which uses cookies.